Almost everybody out there has something that they want to achieve, but very few people actually achieve what they want to. Why? Well a great number of those people never do anything to make things happen, so that one is fairly obvious! For the remaining majority, most will give up long before they get anywhere near their goals. The reason? Lack of consistency and a failure to realise and make the necessary sacrifices.
Probably the most important thing to working towards any goal is consistency. Without it you will spend years starting and stopping your plans, and then look back wondering why you are nowhere near your dreams. “But I have been trying for years!” I hear people say. The truth is if you have not remained doggedly consistent with your efforts, every single time you stop, you start from zero again. So years of effort amount to nothing if it has been a stop/start situation.
Almost all people will also fail to recognise that to achieve something, almost without exception, sacrifices will have to be made. Whether it is to sacrifice your love of cake, or your habit of not getting out of bed early enough, late night TV (or just the TV at any time)… something will have to be sacrificed.
If you can give up the things in your life that stand in the way of your goals, the path is so much clearer. If you can remain consistently on the path to your goals, you WILL achieve something worthwhile.
Challenge everything, especially yourself.