Friday, 28 January 2011


Too many people get caught up in the details, and lose sight of the big picture.

Recently I was told and then later saw) someone put out information about soya milk containing high levels of aluminium, and related it to taking 5 birth control pills a day. What an absolute load of garbage! Yes, soya milk does contain aluminium, but so do a lot of things. Human breast milk contains aluminium. Aluminium is the 3rd most abundant metal in the ground, so it can be found in almost any food. We put it into our water supplies to give the water a clearer 'clean' appearance. It is used as a raising agent in baking, tea has suprisingly high levels of aluminium, as does toothpaste, aspirin and antacids, the list goes on.

 Yes, soya milk has higher levels than cow milk, but the amounts and the effects have been greatly exaggerated. The UK's government Health Protection Agency states "Children exposed to aluminium are not expected to show greater sensitivity compared to adults" and "Little information is available regarding whether aluminium causes cancer in humans. Data from animals studies have shown that it is not thought to cause cancer in animals". The Australia New Zealand Food Authority (ANZFA, now called Food Standards Australia New Zealand, FSANZ), measured the aluminium intakes of Australian infants as part of the Australian Market Basket Survey (which is now known as the Total Diet Survey ).  It was found that although soy based infant formulas contained higher levels of aluminium than other formulas or breast milk, the estimated aluminium intake was still well below estimated safe levels. Interestingly enough in the past 2 years the UK has relaxed the laws and allowed a greater use of aluminium in products we consume. Basically because of the widespread distribution of aluminium compounds through food, drink and even the air we breathe, exposure is unavoidable. 

Sure, we should do our best to reduce the aluminium content in consumption as it is not an essential part of our diet, but it is also worth bearing in mind that there are no definitive links between aluminum exposure through infant formulas and immediate or delayed toxicity in healthy infants. Better safe than sorry - yes; but people tend to see correlations where there are none, and then draw conclusions based on bad science and logical fallacies.

But here is the bottom line - unless you are eating aluminium foil, you don't really have anything to worry about. However if you are still concerned, just make sure you are getting calcium & magnesium in your diet and you will be fine. They block the aluminium.

Challenge everything, Especially yourself.

 Alex Kay Grimmer

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Kettlebell class special offers

If you have not yet tried kettlebells, come along to a BodyQuest class,


If you are an existing class client and you bring along a new friend,


What are you waiting for? Book in now!

Classes are currently:

Monday evenings at 8pm

Tuesday & Thursday evenings at 7pm

Saturday mornings at 9.30am

Coming soon.... Tuesday & Thursday morning classes!

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.

Contact & location details are on my website: BODYQUESTPT

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

BodyQuest Kettlebell Gym is officially open!

BodyQuest Kettlebell Gym has now officially opened! For the past few weeks I have been working day & night to turn a rubbish-filled derelict building into a full-time strength & conditioning facility. It was hard work but definitely worth it! 

Kettlebell classes are currently:

Tuesday & Thursday evenings at 7pm

Saturday mornings at 9:30am

Classes are open to all, but it is best to book a place to avoid disappointment.

I will be adding more classes to the timetable over the next few days - watch this space!

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.

Contact & location details are on my website: BODYQUESTPT

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Coming soon... BodyQuest Kettlebell Gym!

I am pleased to announce that within the next week or so, I will be opening my own dedicated training facility! 2010 ended on a sad note, when The Iron Den Studio I was working out of closed it's doors, forcing me to find a new venue for my classes & clients. However, sometimes being forced to take action is just the kick in the butt you need.

Initially BodyQuest will continue as a personal training and group session facility, but later this year will open an area for members to come in and train using BodyQuest tools such as kettlebells, Olympic lifting platforms, tractor tires, sledgehammers, ropes, jumping platforms, pull up and dipping bars... and more!

This is going to be a year of taking action, and I am really looking forward to the challenges it will bring. I will be pushing for everyone to achieve far more this year than they ever thought possible. If you are looking for functional fitness, strength, endurance, mobility and cardio that just won't quit then get in touch. I guarantee you twice the results in half the time!

Watch this space for details of the new gym!

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.

Contact & location details are on my website: BODYQUESTPT