All too often I see people training, doing the right things, but they fail to get any results and wonder why. The answer is not what they are doing, but rather how they are doing it – specifically; without intensity. It doesn't matter if they are swinging a kettlebell, deadlifting a barbell or undulating a rope – without intensity you may as well be watching paint dry. Okay sure, it's better than nothing, but only marginally so. The accepted definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. What should you change? The intensity! Start with learning the techniques are perfectly as you can, then make sure you are (and are going to be) consistent with it, then apply the intensity. Too many people exercise just by going through the motions. Most people do not even know how to push themselves hard enough – largely because they never have. Train like you mean it. Train like a bear is chasing you. Train like you're swimming for the shore in shark-infested waters. But don't be the nut who goes wild, throwing the weights around like a crazed gorilla in an ego-induced machismo fit. Practice perfect form with intensity. That's the 3 things you'll need: 1 – technique (perfect form), 2 – consistency (practice), and of course, 3 – intensity.
Challenge everything, especially yourself.
Alex Kay Grimmer
Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Contact & location details are on my website: BODYQUESTPT