Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Here is an awesome recipe for a quick, healthy meal that can serve as breakfast, or maybe even a quick replacement for lunch or dinner if you're pressed for time.

I found this delicious recipe on Mark's Daily Apple, a website I highly recommend you follow. I am a huge advocate of Mark Sisson and his Primal Blueprint. This particular recipe can be found originally through clicking here.


1 ripe banana
2 eggs
1 pinch of cinnamon
A splash of vanilla
Butter (for cooking & topping)
1-2 Tbsp crushed pecans
Optional: fruit (berries), heavy cream, additional pecans


Add banana, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla and pecans to a medium bowl and mash together; the batter will be a little lumpy.
Grease skillet with butter and turn on stove to a medium heat.
Add the entire mixture to the skillet.
As the mixture cooks, continue to stir and mash.
Once fully cooked, remove from heat and place into a bowl.
Top with butter or optional ingredients.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay 

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

Thursday, 5 June 2014

What Works - A Simple Guide

Here is a simple, 100% guaranteed method to achieving great results - better body composition (less fat, more muscle), greater capability (mobility & strength), and a better life (longevity, health, quality of life).

Nutrition – Follow The Primal Blueprint, or the Paleo diet.
These plans in a nutshell are to avoid anything processed. If you cannot find it in the wild, you cannot consumed it. Single ingredient food – a sweet potato contains ONE ingredient – sweet potato. Broccoli contains ONE ingredient – broccoli. Salmon contains ONE ingredient – salmon. You get the idea.

Eighty percent of your ability to reduce excess body fat is determined by how you eat, with the other 20 percent is dependent on proper exercise, other healthy lifestyle habits and genetic factors.” - The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson.

Healthy nutrition is as simple as eating the right foods in the right quantities. The right foods being single ingredient foods, mostly plants and animals. The right quantities means portion control. Not more than you need, mostly protein, moderate fats and low carbs.

Exercise - Walk, Lift and Sprint. “Those who think they have not time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness” - Lord Edward Stanley.
By walking (with intent/purpose, not just ambling) for 45min a day, lifting (heavy) weights (30min workout) twice a week and sprinting once a week (15-20min including rests) you can become incredibly fit & healthy.
Monday – Walk briskly for 45min
Tuesday – Walk briskly for 45min, Lift heavy weights for 30min
Wednesday - Walk briskly for 45min,
Thursday - Walk briskly for 45min, Lift heavy weights for 30min
Friday - Walk briskly for 45min,
Saturday - Walk briskly for 45min, Sprint for 15-20min (incl. rest)
Sunday - Walk briskly for 45min.

On the days when you are lifting and sprinting, make sure you warm up properly focusing on mobility, cool down properly focusing on twisting stretches.

Lifestyle – Stress less and sleep well.

Quick guide:

Single ingredient food only. Mostly protein, moderate fats and low carbs.
Walk briskly every day for 45min.
Lift heavy weights two or three times a week for 30min.
Mobilise fully before exercise, stretch fully afterwards.
Sprint once a week for 15-20min including rest periods.
Sleep well and avoid stress.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

Why Some People Achieve Results And Others Do Not

I have seen a very interesting phenomenon whilst coaching clients. I have had clients start with me who are almost identical in body composition, physical ability and goals, and both agree to the same frequency of personal training sessions. In the months that follow, one client has dropped 10% bodyfat, inches from their waistline, and has achieved a double bodyweight deadlift. The other hasn't changed body composition or size at all, and still cannot perform a single bodyweight deadlift. These are real clients, not just illustrative examples.

Why does one person achieve such outstanding results, and the other not?

Quite simply...

Person A applies themselves whole-heartedly during their sessions, ensures they do the homework activities set for them outside of their PT sessions, and they follow the nutritional advise without deviation.
Person B never puts any effort into their sessions, never ventures outside of their comfort zone, never does any exercise apart from their PT sessions, and quite obviously continues to eat and drink as they always have.

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

A personal trainer is not a magician. They will design effective programs for you, provide technical & motivational coaching, give you nutritional advice, etc... but if you do not apply yourself or follow the advice, no personal trainer in the world will ever be able to help you.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY