Thursday, 16 April 2009

How Badly Do You Want It?

Everyday I have people telling me that they either want to, or need to, get fitter and/or lose weight. I have many people who constantly tell me that they are going to join the gym ‘soon’, or that they want personal training ‘soon’. Whilst this is encouraging, to know that people are thinking about improving their health and fitness, it is also disheartening when time passes and they never actually follow through with their plans.

Whilst I do not dispute that people want to lose fat weight and improve strength & fitness, the actual desire to achieve those goals is seriously lacking.
Almost everybody wants to achieve more, whether it is fitness, financial, spiritual or otherwise. But in order to do so effort is required. The greater the goal the more effort is required. To be blunt, most people are lazy and will fail. Sitting on the sofa, watching television, eating a ready meal is far easier than getting down the gym for a serious workout followed by a planned and cooked from scratch healthy meal.

Time to separate the men from the boys. You can either be living a fit, healthy life, or you can be a coach-potato who dreams about it.

If you have the desire and motivation, you will do what it takes to achieve your dreams. You realise that in order to achieve what you desire, you have to get up and work at it. Only then will you turn those dreams into reality.

To achieve what you want, you have to want it badly enough. So the question remains, how baldy do you want it?

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