Thursday, 12 May 2011

Free Kettlebell Mini-Workshops

On Saturday the 21st and 28th of May, at 10:30am I will be holding FREE kettlebell workshops at BodyQuest Kettlebell Gym. Designed for people with little to no experience with kettlebells, although everybody is welcome!

Kettlebells are weights that look like a ball with a 'kettle'-like handle. They come in weights usually ranging from 4kg upwards. The exercises performed will differ from what people are used to, being movement-based, rather than muscle-based. In other words the exercises are compound movements – they involve more than one muscle and more than one joint to perform. You use your muscles and joints as they were designed to be used, in concert with each other rather than in isolation. Kettlebell workouts are generally timed based (well, they definitely are in my gym!), which gives you a great cardio workout at the same time.

If you have never used kettlebells before and are curious, then these free workshops are for you! If you have used kettlebells before, this is a great opportunity to better your understanding of the movements and polish up your technique.

The mini-workshops are one hour long, giving you enough time to cover off the basic principals of kettlebell lifting technique, get to perform the movements safely & effectively, and with just enough time to test them out in a short workout.

The mini-workshops are free for anyone and everyone. Booking is not essential, but is recommended to avoid disappointment as spaces are limited.

Contact me on 07513-994-672 to book in!

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.

Contact & location details are on my website: BODYQUESTPT

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