Monday, 29 December 2014

New Year, New You!

It's that time again – New Year, New You! Yes it's a cliché, but that's because we all do it. The new year brings a clear definitive point in time where we can draw a line under the missed opportunities of last year, and make a real, concerted effort towards achieving something meaningful in the coming year. I am no different, but on top of setting new goals for myself for 2015, I also want to help you achieve your goals too.

In order to truly achieve the changes you desire, you need to understand why it hasn't happened before. Two big reasons stand out – nutrition, and procrastination. Nutrition because people still believe they can achieve results without it, and the fact is, it just isn't true. Even if you don't care about a six-pack, or being beach-body-beautiful, you cannot achieve a worthwhile level of performance without correctly nourishing your body. FACT. The other equally important reason is believing you have all the time in the world to achieve results. Well unless you take responsibility and set a specific time period, you will procrastinate in your training and not really push to achieve it – after all; there's always next week right? WRONG. Set a goal and set a specific time period to achieve it is the only way you'll ever get there.

With that in mind, I am offering the following 3 packages guaranteed to give you results!

All packages will include fundamentals that you cannot do without if you are to achieve the goals you desire. They will be a FULL assessment, including measurements, photos, physical testing and food diary analysis. They will also ALL include a personalised and tailored training program for you to follow on your own. ALL packages will include weekly nutritional consultations to ensure you stay on track. The difference will be how many PT sessions you commit to. ALL packages are for 13 weeks (3 months), because results don't happen in a week. You need long enough not only to start changing, but to ensure you don't stop at the first site of change!! You need to make it a habit, and you will need help to push past the first sign of progress towards real change!

I am looking to take on new clients who are serious about making a permanent change to their lifestyles and their bodies.

I will be offering 3 packages:

ALL packages will include the following:

  1. A 2-hour initial assessment including measurements, 'before' photos, food diary analysis, nutritional consulting and a physical assessment & testing.
  2. Your own personalised training program, tailored to your goals, needs and physical ability.
  3. Weekly nutritional consulting to ensure you stay on track to achieve your goals.

Package 1: £500 or 3 payments: £250, £150, £100
1 x PT session every 4 weeks to ensure you are using good form, timing your work/rest periods correctly, and are pushing yourself hard enough.

Package 2: £700 or 3 payments: £350, £200, £150
1 x PT session every week. If you need that constant push to keep you motivated, I will see you every week and ensure you are working out correctly and to your potential.

Package 3: £1,000 or 3 payments: £500, £300, £200
2 x PT sessions every week. With doing half your workouts under close supervision, you can only win! The high frequency of PT sessions will keep you motivated during your own sessions too.

At the end of your 3 month package, if you decide to continue, you may purchase another package.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Kettlebell classes Southend Essex Discount

BodyQuest Kettlebell Gym offers TWO kettlebell classes every week – Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm. If you are new to kettlebells you NEED to book in beforehand by contacting myself (details below) and making sure you arrive 30 minutes early for tuition on what's to come in the session. Classes are £8 each, but if it is your very first time it is FREE.

For the months of November & December 2014, if you pay for the classes in advance, you will pay only £99! That's saving £29! Hurry, payment needs to be made before the 11th of November.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY


3 things you NEED to achieve results (and the #1 reason why you don't)

Consistency – Technique – Intensity

#1. Be consistent. Much like the tortoise and the hare, consistently (regularly) plodding through will eventually get you to where you want to be. It is sticking to you gym program diligently that will eventually show results. It is attending your gym classes every week that will eventually show results. In fact, this is the only factor that will succeed without the other two! Sure, your results will be hampered, you won't quite achieve maybe what you set out to achieve, but being consistent will trump everything else.

If you merely attended both my Tuesday and my Thursday kettlebell classes every week without every skipping a class, you will surprise yourself at the results you can obtain. You may be surprised to find out that my kettlebell classes form the base of what I do. They give me the strength and mobility to go on and do other things. If I recommended nothing else, it would be to attend those two classes every week without fail (hopefully combining that will Technique & Intensity!).

#2. Perfect Technique. Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. How you specifically perform a movement will determine what you get out of it. If your technique sucks, at best you just won't reap the benefits, because you won't be engaging what you need to get the best out of the exercise. If you're deadlifting and you're pushing your knees forward and dropping your hips, then you are engaging your quads instead of your hamstrings. You just won't get the stronger posterior chain that you should from deadlifting. At worst, you're setting yourself up to get injured, for putting yourself into a compromised position during an exercise. Repeating a movement won't fix it unless you're repeating it correctly. Whatever you do will be engrained, so do it right first time, every time.

#3. Intensity! This is the missing component to most people's training. The lack of intensity is to blame for their lack of results! You can have the best coach in the world. You can have the most well-equipped training facility in the world. You can have the most well devised progressive training program ever created – but if you do not apply yourself you will never achieve anything. Intensity is focus, drive determination... Attacking your workout with purpose. It is likely no more than 60 minutes; often less. That's a short enough period of time to push yourself hard – get out of that damn comfort zone! It isn't time to chat, it isn't time to look good. It is time to work HARD. Only with that uncomfortable effort, that hard-to-breath, that muscle-burning, that I-want-to-quit-so-badly-right-now feeling; will you be able to break free from your old self and forge a new, stronger, tougher, fitter, faster, leaner you.


I don't care if you do kettlebells or zumba. I don't care if you like muscle-isolating machines at a commercial gym or if you enjoy lifting Atlas stones or flipping tyres. INTENSITY = RESULTS. Lack of intensity = 99% of the population who are complaining about how 'this' and 'that' just didn't work for 'them'. Nonsense. Anything will work. Do what you love doing, and do it with intensity. It will work. Period.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY

Sunday, 2 November 2014

My Top 5 Supplements

In general, I do not advocate supplements. Well, at least not the million different typical bodybuilding supplements available nowadays. Most of them will do nothing but slim down your bank account. There are a few however, that really do make a difference. Here is my take on what I consider to be worthwhile supplementation.

Supplements are exactly that – something to supplement your existing nutritional intake. You supplement because you are, for whatever reason, not obtaining sufficient quantities through normal nutritional intake. This could be because you diet is not optimal, and you're missing out on vital nutrients – in which case you should really address that rather than just add in a supplement. The other reason is maybe your requirements are greater than what can be obtained through a usual healthy nutritional plan.

My top five supplements:

Magnesium (oil)
Vitamin D

When I started supplementing with magnesium, I noticed the positive effects in about 7-10 days. NOTICABLE effects. I use magnesium oil, which you can buy from Holland & Barratt for about £12, and should last about a month. There may be a tingling sensation when applied to the skin, but that's just an indication that your magnesium levels are low.

Here are just some of the benefits of my all-time favourite supplement!

One of the main benefits is it acts as a muscle relaxant. Potassium and calcium are the opposite, and are responsible for muscle contraction. Magnesium is also responsible for the absorption and metabolism of calcium, as well as actually keeping calcium out of the cells (when magnesium is low, calcium rushes in and causes cell death).
Magnesium also activates enzymes that control digestion, absorption and utilization of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There is a direct relationship between the amount of magnesium and the ability to avoid high blood pressure. Magnesium lowers LDL cholesterol (bad) and raises HDL cholesterol (good). It also prevents muscle spasms of heart & peripheral blood vessels which lead to things like high blood pressure and heart attacks. Magnesium will also prevent calcium build up in cholesterol plaque in arteries, and magnesium is just as important as calcium in preventing and treating osteoporosis (magnesium is required to activate enzymes for new bone growth too).
Magnesium is also the ultimate stress buster – it supports the adrenal glands that get worn out by stress! Serotonin, the feel-good hormone, depends on magnesium for it's production and function.

Rather than bore you with several more pages of why the other 4 are good, I will just give you the main points:

Zinc acts as a natural testosterone booster (just as important for women, it isn't an exclusive male hormone). I would recommend men taking up to 150mg a day, and women 75mg a day. The recommended daily dose isn't sufficient to obtain noticeable changes. Zinc will improve your athletic performance and strength, as well as supporting reproductive health and fertility. It will also boost your immune system and make you more insulin sensitive.

Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin, but rather a steroid hormone. It is critical for fighting diseases, as well as avoiding the winter blues. If you take it in higher doses, take vitamin K2 alongside it. When you take higher doses of vitamin D you body produces more K2 dependant proteins. There's a great relationship between vitamin D, K2, calcium and magnesium!

Protein! Most people just don't consume enough (people who train have a higher requirement for protein anyway). Whatever you are consuming, you can safely double it. If you cannot get enough in your actual food intake, then supplement! I recommend buying the protein supplement with the LEAST amount of ingredients. Keep it simple. A couple of shakes a day will do wonders for most people (in addition to their food! Do not 'swap' shakes for food!).

Creatine. This is probably the only (typically bodybuilding) supplement to have real science backing it. Over 200 studies over the last decade alone. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance in the body, required for energy production. Quite simply, it will help you exercise at a more intense level (the main reason why people do NOT see results from exercise is a LACK of intensity! Watch out for my blog soon on this exact topic). You will be able to perform more reps, lift more weight, create more tension, speed... etc. You will be able to apply yourself much better. What are you waiting for? My tip is to use plain creatine monohydrate. Don't waste money on fancy supplements when the basic ones do the same thing with less junk thrown in.

There you have it folks! My top 5. If you have a question on any of the above, or maybe another supplement you're curious about, just email, text, carrier pigeon me and I'll get back to you.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Secret discounts!

If you're quick & quiet, you'll be able to sneak off with this amazing discount on the BodyQuest group classes!

The offer is valid for the classes from the 3rd of November 2014 until 21st of December 2014. That's 7 full calendar weeks – pay £126 (cash in advance) and save £42!

That's only £6 a class, and if you do this, we'll throw in Tuesday the 23rd of December's kettlebell class in FREE!

All payments must be made in cash, in full, by the 8th November 2014 to qualify.

BodyQuest Classes

There are 3 classes a week at BodyQuest Kettlebell Gym - 2 kettlebell classes and 1 circuit class. The kettlebell classes are on Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7pm, and the circuit class is Saturday mornings at 8.15am. All classes are £8 per person.

If you are new to kettlebells, you need to contact us to book in, and you will need to arrive no later than 30min early (6.30pm) for tuition on using the kettlebells. The Saturday circuit class is getting more and more popular with the awesome energy that Kirsty delivers, you're set up perfectly for the weekend!

There are 12 classes in the month of November, and 10 classes in December (before Christmas). That's a sh!tload of exercise between now and Christmas that could make a huge difference to the usual Christmas 'bulge'.... I guarantee you that if you attended those 22 classes, plus made 2 changes to your nutrition, you would be amazed at the difference in your body in just 8 weeks! When making changes to your nutrition; look for the one or two changes you can make that will have the biggest impact. Here are some examples:
Cut out sugar - this includes soft drinks, and the usual junk like chocolate, ice cream, cakes, biscuits, etc
Cut out soft drinks - if you're a heavy consumer of soft drinks this is great change to make
Cut out anything with food colouring in - you'll be surprised....
Cut carbs - especially eliminating bread and pasta (maybe even rice & potatoes too)
Consider cutting out dairy. A few weeks will tell you if there's a difference and whether it's worth adding back in or not.
Cut out snacks between meals - more challenging than you may realise, and don't make the mistake of increasing meal quantity to make up for it!

So there you have it. 22 classes from November to Christmas. Attending all of them will make a big difference, but are you will to step out of your comfort zone, and make it a priority?


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY

Trial By Fire

My trial is by Fire. What is yours?

(Trail By Fire is a clubbell workout – 100 double swipes, 100 mills, 100 hammer swings. The swipes are 100 doubles (both arms at the same time), the mills are 100 in each hand (done separately) and the hammer swings are 50 in each direction).

7 full weeks remain until Christmas! I am going to be counting them down, as I have set myself a target, a goal, to achieve within that time. Why? Because so many people, most people will slack off in the run up until Christmas, and then wonder what on earth happened. Then the usual hard slog to fix it begins in January, which is twice as hard because of the lapse before Christmas. It invariably ends up as a disappointing failure.

Are you going to be that person, or are you going to be the person who gets a head start on everyone else? NOW is always the time for action! I started a plan 3 weeks ago, but if you didn't, you can start now! 7 weeks is more than enough time to make a habit, and make a change. Think of the difference it will make in January, if you arrive then healthy, fit and strong! You get to make that decision; nobody else, so join me. Do whatever you want to, but start now - set a goal to achieve, formulate a plan to get you there ON TIME and go for it!

If you need help with goal setting and planning, get in touch, book a consultation and together we can make it happen for you!


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY

My First Muscle-Up!

On Monday I performed my first muscle-up. This is when you perform a pull-up, go up and over the bar, and then press yourself further up until your arms are straight and the pull-up bar is at your waistline. The funny thing is, I have not been doing any pull-ups lately. In fact, not really at all since last year. But what I have been doing is working with the clubbells, and also plenty of "movement" and flow drills. This combined with my understanding of the technique required for muscle-ups, allowed me to perform one just on a passing whim to try it.

When you focus on a holistic approach to your training; you develop certain things. The ability to move well, proprioception and the ability to properly engage tension in your body to deliver strength/power. Kettlebells, clubbells, maces and bodyweight exercises/flows will all develop your ability to move well, which helps with proprioception (the ability to sense how your body is positioned and to control it effectively). Lifting heavy weights with correct technique will teach your body how to properly engage tension and alignment to deliver force. This means that you can getting strong at one thing, and your general ability to be strong at something else will improve.

So what does this mean to you? Train your body to move and to move well. More isn't better, better is better. Lift heavy weights that really challenge you. It's the only for you to properly engage tension and alignment throughout your body. All of this, combined with an ability to FLOW seamlessly from one position to another using correct breathing patterns will give you a healthy, capable body that you can be proud of.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Is Muscle Soreness Good?

DOMS are the pain you feel in your muscles after strenuous activity. Many people like to gauge the effectiveness of their workouts by the intensity of the DOMS they experience in the following days.
DOMS are believed to be the result of micro tears in the muscle fibres. The eccentric contractions of the muscles (the negative phase, or the lowering of the weight during the exercise) is more responsible for DOMS than the concentric (positive phase, or lifting of the weight during the exercise). DOMS also result from more 'time under tension', or longer durations of exercise, or slower tempo in exercising. DOMS can also result from exercises that you just are not used to; so the good news is that as you 'grease the groove' and become more proficient by practising a movement pattern more often - the less DOMS you will experience.Is it good to have DOMS? Some people believe that muscle soreness is an indication of the effectiveness of their workout, and do not believe they've had a productive workout unless they ache the next day."I had such an awesome workout last week, I could barely move for days!" is something I hear, and I cringe every time I hear it. I want to ask that person if they are stronger, fitter, faster... BETTER in any way, as a result of them aching for days. Just because a workout leaves you in pieces, doesn't mean it has been effective. The test of whether your workouts are effective are by measuring if you are progressing towards your goals as a result of your workouts. Any idiot can design a tough workout that will leave you in pieces for days. I have been on the receiving end of such workouts and all they do is set me back. Do 100 burpees, then sprint 100 meters, then 100 sit ups and repeat constantly for 90 minutes. That will destroy you, but it certain won't progress you. Your workout should always GIVE more than it TAKES. This is why people employ personal trainers or coaches; so that they can reach their goals effectively, instead of just hammering your body every week and getting nowhere as a result.

Establish a method of testing the effectiveness of your workout. If strength is your goal; are you getting stronger? If fat-loss is your goal; are you getting leaner? Just because you're experiencing a great deal of muscle soreness DOESN'T mean you're getting closer to your goals.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Kettlebell class discount

Remember, you have to pay for BOTH classes for the ENTIRE month to qualify for the discount.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.


Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit our website: ALEXKAY

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


Here is an awesome recipe for a quick, healthy meal that can serve as breakfast, or maybe even a quick replacement for lunch or dinner if you're pressed for time.

I found this delicious recipe on Mark's Daily Apple, a website I highly recommend you follow. I am a huge advocate of Mark Sisson and his Primal Blueprint. This particular recipe can be found originally through clicking here.


1 ripe banana
2 eggs
1 pinch of cinnamon
A splash of vanilla
Butter (for cooking & topping)
1-2 Tbsp crushed pecans
Optional: fruit (berries), heavy cream, additional pecans


Add banana, eggs, cinnamon, vanilla and pecans to a medium bowl and mash together; the batter will be a little lumpy.
Grease skillet with butter and turn on stove to a medium heat.
Add the entire mixture to the skillet.
As the mixture cooks, continue to stir and mash.
Once fully cooked, remove from heat and place into a bowl.
Top with butter or optional ingredients.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay 

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

Thursday, 5 June 2014

What Works - A Simple Guide

Here is a simple, 100% guaranteed method to achieving great results - better body composition (less fat, more muscle), greater capability (mobility & strength), and a better life (longevity, health, quality of life).

Nutrition – Follow The Primal Blueprint, or the Paleo diet.
These plans in a nutshell are to avoid anything processed. If you cannot find it in the wild, you cannot consumed it. Single ingredient food – a sweet potato contains ONE ingredient – sweet potato. Broccoli contains ONE ingredient – broccoli. Salmon contains ONE ingredient – salmon. You get the idea.

Eighty percent of your ability to reduce excess body fat is determined by how you eat, with the other 20 percent is dependent on proper exercise, other healthy lifestyle habits and genetic factors.” - The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson.

Healthy nutrition is as simple as eating the right foods in the right quantities. The right foods being single ingredient foods, mostly plants and animals. The right quantities means portion control. Not more than you need, mostly protein, moderate fats and low carbs.

Exercise - Walk, Lift and Sprint. “Those who think they have not time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness” - Lord Edward Stanley.
By walking (with intent/purpose, not just ambling) for 45min a day, lifting (heavy) weights (30min workout) twice a week and sprinting once a week (15-20min including rests) you can become incredibly fit & healthy.
Monday – Walk briskly for 45min
Tuesday – Walk briskly for 45min, Lift heavy weights for 30min
Wednesday - Walk briskly for 45min,
Thursday - Walk briskly for 45min, Lift heavy weights for 30min
Friday - Walk briskly for 45min,
Saturday - Walk briskly for 45min, Sprint for 15-20min (incl. rest)
Sunday - Walk briskly for 45min.

On the days when you are lifting and sprinting, make sure you warm up properly focusing on mobility, cool down properly focusing on twisting stretches.

Lifestyle – Stress less and sleep well.

Quick guide:

Single ingredient food only. Mostly protein, moderate fats and low carbs.
Walk briskly every day for 45min.
Lift heavy weights two or three times a week for 30min.
Mobilise fully before exercise, stretch fully afterwards.
Sprint once a week for 15-20min including rest periods.
Sleep well and avoid stress.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

Why Some People Achieve Results And Others Do Not

I have seen a very interesting phenomenon whilst coaching clients. I have had clients start with me who are almost identical in body composition, physical ability and goals, and both agree to the same frequency of personal training sessions. In the months that follow, one client has dropped 10% bodyfat, inches from their waistline, and has achieved a double bodyweight deadlift. The other hasn't changed body composition or size at all, and still cannot perform a single bodyweight deadlift. These are real clients, not just illustrative examples.

Why does one person achieve such outstanding results, and the other not?

Quite simply...

Person A applies themselves whole-heartedly during their sessions, ensures they do the homework activities set for them outside of their PT sessions, and they follow the nutritional advise without deviation.
Person B never puts any effort into their sessions, never ventures outside of their comfort zone, never does any exercise apart from their PT sessions, and quite obviously continues to eat and drink as they always have.

You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink.

A personal trainer is not a magician. They will design effective programs for you, provide technical & motivational coaching, give you nutritional advice, etc... but if you do not apply yourself or follow the advice, no personal trainer in the world will ever be able to help you.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

Monday, 26 May 2014

3 Simple Rules to achieving REAL Results

How to achieve REAL results

People everywhere are trying ALL SORTS of things to get the results they desire. The unfortunate truth is that many are disappointed with their lack of results. Why is this? If people are trying so hard, why don't they achieve what they want? Surely some will, even if it's dumb luck; right? WRONG.
The sad truth is most people don't get the results they want because they are looking everywhere, and trying everything EXCEPT the right way. The right way seems to simple, and therefore is often ignored. Why? Because people are looking for short-cuts. Easy methods. The latest gimmick. Here's a home-truth: there are no short-cuts. There are no easy methods. Gimmicks are worthless.
That all seems a little doom-and-gloom; right? Maybe. But there is good news too. The right methods are SIMPLE. So simple you'd be amazed. Not saying easy, but definitely simple. Stick to the following plan and I guarantee you, you will experience twice the results in half the time that you have EVER experienced!

Frequency. Consistency. Intensity.

That's it.

You need to commit to increasing your training frequency. This means the number of times in a week that you train (and by train, I mean stick to a plan that is designed specifically to get you closer to your goals. Not just random exercise in the hope that general activity will produce the results you're after). Think about it: if three people start training every week, person 1 trains once a week, person 2 trains twice a week, and person 3 trains three times a week; whom do you think will experience the most or the quickest results? It's a no-brainer.
(twice a week from once a week is doubling your results)

You need to commit to training on a regular basis. This is arguably the most important of the 3 values above! In martial arts there is a common saying: “How to get a black belt: Show up. Keep repeating this.” This is the only value that will eventually produce results without the other two values. Admittedly without the other two it will take a long time, but eventually it will produce results. If you commit to 2 sessions a week, then train twice a week. If you can't do one of them, reschedule it so that the week doesn't pass without having done both sessions. This is about being consistent. Not just about being interested!

Last, but certainly not least, is intensity. If you want results, train like it! Nobody ever achieved anything worthwhile in the gym by sleepwalking through their session, whining it's too heavy or difficult (it's supposed to be heavy & difficult!), or making an issue out of the slightest amount of perceived discomfort. I could list off dozens of sayings which illustrate this:

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you”
If you want results, train like it!”
Suck it up so one day you won't have to suck it in”
More sweat now, less jiggle later”
It isn't going to be easy, but it is going to be worth it”

You get the idea... You workout is a very small part of your day. Put the effort in and push yourself as hard as possible. You need to shock your body into changing. If it's comfortable you just aren't working hard enough. To make a stronger, fitter, faster, leaner & meaner body, you have to ask it to do things that are difficult, outside of your comfort zone, things that it isn't currently capable of – that is the only way to change it, to make it a better version of yourself. People who put the effort in will get the results. I see it all the time. One person works out with passion, drive and determination to succeed, whilst another whines every time and shies away from anything resembling hard work. Take a guess who will be awesome in 6 months, and who will still be whinging in 6 months.

Please take note that I did not include any particular methodology. There are literally dozens of ways to achieve the results you want physically. I specialise in kettlebells, strength training, Olympic lifting and using various other tools such as strongman equipment, ropes, plyometrics and callisthenics. I believe these to be the most suitable methods for most people's physical goals, but there are others. Choose a method that you enjoy, but that is also one that suits your goals.

Contact me if you would like to discuss how best to achieve your goals.


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

Is compromising okay?

Most people aren't aiming for an Olympic gold medal. Most people just want to be a little fitter, look a little better, manage physical tasks a little easier, and feel a little bit better about themselves.


But don't make the mistake of thinking that because you only want 5% of the results that an Olympian has, that you only need to put 5% of the effort in. You still need to put 100% effort in. The difference lies in the method of exercise you will use, and the extent to which you will cheat your nutritional plan.

All roads lead to Rome.

If you enjoy kettlebells classes, attend them. If you enjoy Zumba classes, attend them. If yoga is your thing, attend yoga classes. If you hate classes and just want to lift heavy barbells, do that. If running through the woods does it for you, then run in the woods.  Enjoyment is a key factor in remaining committed, plus a key factor in life. Don't punish yourself with a method that you hate, but recognise that some methods will deliver certain results better than others.

Some methods are more in line with your goals than others. If you want to build muscle or become stronger, running is not the best method. But if you enjoying running for the sake of running, then by all means run.  So deciding what you really want is important. If your day to day activities and your finances mean you can only commit to 1 or 2 exercise classes a week, that is perfectly okay.
However, you also need to be aware that by restricting your physical exercise to 1 or 2 classes a week, you're restricting your results to what 1 or 2 classes a week can potentially provide. So long as you understand that, it honestly doesn't matter to anyone but you.

If you're willing to compromise on your training, you will compromise your results. There is nothing wrong with this, unless you're unhappy with your compromised results.

To get more (or better) results, you need more (or better) in your training. That might mean more time (frequency) every week. It might mean more commitment (not skipping sessions when you don't feel like it). It might mean more intensity (training like you mean it; like you're sponsored by Nike). It might mean a greater financial investment (Personal Training sessions). It could be any or all of those things.

Specific goals will require specific action. If you have a specific goal in mind, and you're just not achieving it currently, come and speak to me about it. I will offer you the best advice I can, without obligation towards anything.

Start deciding what it is that you want to achieve, and start making real progress towards your goals!

Look out for my next post, which will give you 3 simple rules for achieving all the physical results you'll ever want!


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY