Thursday, 11 November 2010

Simple Ideas, Complex Results

Most people really want to be in better shape, but do not know what they need to do to get there. There is a minefield of information out there, with many credible people contradicting each other on what is best for health. On top of that, a great deal of advice is complicated. Whether its nutrition or exercise, it just seems like a huge effort to figure it out before you even get started. So with one of my key principals (keeping things simple) in mind, here are some easy to follow points for the 3 main areas, Nutrition, Exercise & Lifestyle, to help you achieve the results you desire.

Whenever I ask people what they want, the answer is quite often “lose weight and tone up”. What that actually means, is less fat and better muscles. Let's start with the fat loss.

Fat loss via nutrition is far more effective than exercise. You can't out-train a bad diet, and besides, how can you expect to get rid of fat if you keep putting it in?


1 - Cut out junk food. This is the BIG one that will make the biggest difference. Junk food includes food sauces like ketchup, brown sauce and bottled sauces for Italian/Indian/Chinese/etc dishes. Junk food also includes junk drinks like ANY fizzy drinks, energy drinks, squash & alcohol. Oh and don't use sugar or artificial sweeteners. Ever.

2 - Eat more vegetables, especially dark green ones. Things like broccoli, kale, spinach, spirulina, seaweed. Then add as many colours as you can.

3 - Cut out dairy. You just don't need it.

4 - Cut out bread. This just bloats most people.

5 - Eat little & often (6 half size meals instead of 3 'normal' size). You don't even need to eat less. Just spread the same amount out more during your day.


1 - Lift weights. Heavy ones. Light ones do nothing for you.

2 - Get a sweat on - if you don't you're just not doing anything.

3 - Do complex movements rather than isolation (Overhead press, squat, deadlift, pull ups, swings, cleans, jerks, snatches, etc).

4 - Loosen up first, stretch after. Not the other way around.

5 - Do this regularly. Exercise 3-5 times a week for about 45 minutes each time.


1 - Get more quality sleep. This is when your body regenerates itself.

2 – Make time for you, to do whatever you want to do that you enjoy.

3 - Watch less TV. Read a book. Go for a walk. Spend time with people. Engage yourself more and be active.

4 – Get rid of stress in your life. If you hate your job, change it. If you're in a bad relationship, get out of it. If a 'friend' is always really negative, cut them loose. If you don't these things are just anchors weighing you down.

5 - Laugh more - it really is the best medicine.

Of course, things can always get complicated, depending on how far you want to take things, but the above will enable huge strides towards your goals.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer.

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