Monday, 16 December 2013

The Importance Of Food Diaries

I make no bones about it. I am a strength and movement coach. I will coach you to move better, as you were designed to, and to become the strongest version of yourself. I am not a weight-loss coach. The reason? Weight-loss is your responsibility. I can control what you do in the gym, but only you can control what you consume. I will give you all the help you need to succeed, but ultimately it boils down to what you are prepared to do. So if weight-loss (read: fat-loss) is your goal, here are the two best things you can do to achieve your goal.

1 - Start keeping a food diary.

Simply keep a complete and accurate record of everything you consume. Then work out the calorie value and the macro-nutrient breakdown and you will know exactly what you are taking in.


You can work it out manually by looking up the calorie & macro values of the foods you've consumed, or use a smart phone app like MY FITNESS PAL which does it all for you. The important thing is to record everything you consume – eat, drink, snack – EVERYTHING.

2 – take accurate body measurements

This includes, but is not limited to, bodyweight. Take circumference measurements of your arms, waist, hips and thighs. If you can get a PT to measure your body fat percentage that will be good too.

Now most people THINK they know what they are consuming. The reality is they don't. Can you honestly say you know exactly how many calories you consumed last week? How much came from protein and how much came from carbohydrate? Unless you know those numbers, you just aren't in a good position to make effective changes. Going to the gym and cutting out crisps are good, but they are just a drop in the ocean if you are not tracking everything else.

I had a client that went from 21.15 stone to 11.81 stone, JUST BY CHANGING WHAT SHE ATE. She started keeping an accurate food diary, was blown away by the reality of what she thought “wasn't a bad diet”. She made the changes and voilĂ , she lost half her bodyweight. Now this didn't happen overnight. She went for the longest time fooling herself that she was eating healthy foods, and that she had portion size under control. When she finally started accurately recording her intake, she realised how unhealthy her food choices were, and how excessive her consumption was. She was now in a good position to recognise WHY she was overweight, and also in a good position to make some effective changes. Which she did.

Here is a quote from what she sent me:
I don't really drink AT ALL now, I avoid grains, bread etc like the plague and try not to eat potatoes more than twice a week. Fresh fish and lots of veg is a big part of my 'new regime' now, the portion control was what I learned!!”

Do you want real results? You need to realise that YOU are in control of that. Only you can do it. Start keep a food diary. Yes it means a bit of effort, but that's what it takes to achieve what you want. Only once you know exactly what you're taking in can you make effective changes. If you need help making those changes, contact me to book a consultation and I will show you exactly what changes to make. So start the food diary, and be honest! Because you body keeps an accurate record of what you consume regardless of what you decide to write down.


If you need help on how to make improvements in your diet, get in touch. Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

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