Monday, 6 January 2014

Benefits of PT in a group session

People come to me for personal training to get fitter, to get stronger, to be able to move better. Well I want to be able to give the people coming to my classes those benefits. I do not want to run classes where people just go through the motions, using the same old weights they always did, never changing and never progressing. I love my classes and I really want to give everyone the most benefits that they can get. So in 2014, I am going to push the envelope, and push YOU to achieve far more than you thought you could. If you are really wanting to change, and see what you are capable of, join me for 2 classes a week and watch your strength DOUBLE in 6 months! Want to know how? 

For at least the first 6 months I am going to focus on 3 specific things during the group sessions -
1 – your ability to get up and down effectively
2 – the amount of power, and focus, you can generate
3 – pure, raw, strength
This means...
  1. Turkish Get Ups. Yes people struggle with these, but that is the number one reason to do more of them, and to get better at doing them. Everything starts with movement patterning. If you have poor movement, you have no base for building anything. Adding strength to dysfunction is a recipe for disaster. Start moving better and you will see how everything else becomes easier.
  2. Swings. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to swing light kettlebell. A strong core, good posture, unparalleled grip strength, true fitness and the ability to generate a good amount of athletic power are all benefits of a strong swing. Aim to be swinging one third of your bodyweight during the classes.
  3. Overhead Pressing. Once again, people gravitate towards the same, safe, light weights when performing overhead presses. The only way you are going to get stronger is by using a heavier weight. You need to push outside the comfort zone, suck it up, and use something heavier. This is actually easier than you think. By push pressing the weight, you get used to having something heavier in your hand and above your head. Keep push pressing until you can press it, then grab something heavier and start push pressing that.

Consider your training frequency too. How many group sessions do you attend each week? Once a week is great, but twice a week is infinitely better. Why wait a full 7 days before doing it again? What are you doing during those 7 days – sitting on your bum watching TV? Ask yourself, is there a real reason why you can't attend 2 sessions a week.

To encourage you to train more regularly, if you attend 2 classes each week without a break, after 9 classes you will get your tenth class absolutely FREE!

The classes are part of my gym schedule so long as enough people are attending them. Please encourage people you know to join you, so that you and others can continue to enjoy them and benefit from them. Here is my class incentive scheme for 2014:

You bring a friend and their first class is FREE!
When they attend their 2nd class, you pay only £5!

With your help, I can offer even more scheduled kettlebell classes, which will give you more opportunity and availability to attend them. Please encourage your friends and family to join you and support what is going to be an exciting year for physical change!

I don't know about you, but I am really excited to break through barriers and comfort zones this year, mine AND yours! It is exciting to know how that in only 6 months I am going to be praising people for what they have managed to achieve! All you have to do is show up, and work hard for approximately 40 minutes twice a week. Are you game?


Personal coaching can help you achieve the results you desire, as well as giving you the necessary effective tools you need to keep striving forwards, to keep changing and progressing on your journey.

Challenge everything, especially yourself.

Alex Kay Grimmer

Contact me for Kettlebell classes and Personal Training in Southend-on-sea.
Please visit my website: ALEXKAY

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