Saturday, 4 April 2009

Benefits Of Kettlebell Training

Kettlebells offer a true total-body workout, challenging both the cardiovascular and the muscular systems, so strength & fitness training in one. A specific area of focus for kettlebell movements is the Posterior Chain, which is (primarily) the hamstrings, the glutes and the erector spinae - the muscles most responsible for strength, power & stability. Most people have underdeveloped posterior chains, and as a result can (in the case of an athlete) fail to achieve their potential or (in the case of the average person) suffer from back pain/injuries.

The first kettlebell exercise taught is the Swing. This movement is designed to generate power from the hips, using the posterior chain. Performing kettlebell swings as part of your exercise program will develop a powerful back, engage your core muscles and rapidly increase muscular endurance. You will become stronger, more explosive and fitter than ever before. Performing this one exercise will have enormous benefits to you, and provide a great introduction to the kettlebell, and a new way of thinking about exercise.

How to perform the Swing:

The first thing to remember is to keep your back straight. Rounding out your back will mean a loss of power and potential injury. Next your hips need to move back & down - as in a deadlift. Now pick the kettlebell up, letting it hang from both hands. Allow the kettlebell to swing DIRECTLY underneath your body, NOT down by your knees. Then using your hips, drive the kettlebell upwards in an arc, only to the height of your shoulders. Some arm/shoulder involvement is inevitable, but this is NOT a front raise. All the power comes from the hip thrust. When the kettlebell swings back through your legs, your wrists should touch the upper inside of your thighs - like an American Footballer hiking the ball behind him. Use a weight that challenges you, then perform the swings for 2 minutes - 30 seconds in both hands, 30 seconds in your right hand, 30 in your left hand, and the last 30 seconds hand to hand. When changing hands do so at the top of the swing, where the kettlebell is weightless.


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