Thursday, 18 November 2010

BodyQuest Challenges

One of my favourite sayings is "Challenge Everything, Especially Yourself". To help create the right mindset, I started introducing specific challenges for my kettlebell classes - and if you are able to complete a challenge, your class session is free! So far 4 challenges exist:

1 - The Wall Squat - Facing the wall, both feet together, toes touching the wall, squat all the wall down to rock bottom and come back up again.

2 - The Strongman Lift - Using only one arm, lift 50% of your bodyweight into an overhead lockout position. You can use any technique you want (Clean & Jerk, Turkish Get Up, etc).

3 - The Hand Stand Press Up - A free standing hand stand (ie: not against the wall), lower yourself and press back up.

4 - The Pistol Squat - Place one leg out in front of you, keeping it there squat right down onto your haunches and drive back up again. Basically a single leg squat with one leg in front of you the entire time - ALL the way down and back up folks.

As I dream up more challenges I will add them onto the board in the gym :)

Very well done to Errol for being the first to complete a challenge - The Wall Squat.

Challenge Everything, Especially Yourself!

Alex Kay Grimmer.

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